Cichla NEWS
Cichlas Dizarella
Sadly Dizarella subcome to a uterus infection and died
We send our thouhts to family Dydland in this hard time
and thank you for giving her a long and wonderful life with you .
Cichlas Joyful Juliah Affen
Cichlas Joyful Juliah Affen became Best Of Breed puppy with HP
at the Norwegian show 17/10-20!!
Big congrats to Co-owner Ann-Elin Tjemsland løvik !!
Cichlas Zarah
Cichlas Zarah became Best Of Breed at the Norwegian show 10/10-20!!
Big congrats to owner Dag Morten Herland!!
We have puppies!!
Cichlas Xara has been mated to
out wonderful new import Jasper Astra Meum
Xara has given birth to 5 wonderful puppies!
4 females and 1 male
All puppies are spoken for!
Cichlas Zander
Cichlas Zander got his appell test C Avalance by The Norwegian Rescue Dogs approved !!
He also got approved on the Norwegian Kennel Clubs Kåringstest
We have puppies !!
Cichlas Ruthless Rumour has been mated to
out wonderful new import Jasper Astra Meum
Ruth has given birth to 7 wonderful puppies!
4 females and 3 males
All puppies are spoken for!
Jasper Astra Meum
Jasper was at his first show and got excellent
at NKK Rogaland !!
Kennel Cichla BOB & BOS at NKK Rogaland
Cichlas Brando Affen was BOB with CAC & CACIB
Cichlas Ganja Affen was BOS with CAC
at NKK Rogaland !!